On a busy street, there was a blind old man sitting and begging. In front of him was a tattered hat and a wooden sign with shaky handwriting:
"I am blind. Please help me."
But all morning, very few people stopped. Everyone was busy with their own lives, passing by as if he were invisible. The hat contained only a few scattered coins.
At noon, a woman stopped in front of the old man. She was dressed simply, but her eyes were full of kindness. She looked at the sign for a moment, then gently picked it up, took a pen from her bag, and wrote something. After placing the sign back, she smiled softly and walked away.
From that moment, something strange happened. People passing by started stopping. Some put money into the hat, others bent down to ask how the old man was doing. The coins and bills gradually filled the hat.
By the evening, the woman returned. The old man recognized her by the sound of her footsteps and asked:
— "What did you write on my sign?"
She smiled and gently replied:
— "I just wrote: Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it."
That sentence not only made people feel sympathy for him, but it also helped them realize how fortunate they were—they could see the sky, the sun, and the colors of life. And that made them open their hearts.
💡 Lesson learned:
Sometimes, just changing the way we communicate can touch people’s hearts. Compassion is always there; it only needs a small spark to spread powerfully.